25 September 2015

MELBOURNE FRINGE: Bock Kills Her Father

Bock Kills Her Father
20 September 2015
La Mama
to 27 September

Written by Adam JA Cass as part of his Masters in Playwriting at VCA Bock Kills Her Father is a frighteningly powerful exploration of the space between the pain and comfort of violence.

Stephanie Bock arrives in a small town to find the father she never met. When she meets three local young women, they take her to his house where his new girlfriend – younger than the women and probably as old as Bock's mum when she got pregnant – answers the door and says he's not home.

With a cast who never let the tension drop and hold onto their characters' secrets for as long as possible, allegiances change and it's easy to understand – if not support – why these women believe that violence and pain are the only choices.