03 April 2014

MICF: Hannah Gadsby

The Exhibitionist
Hannah Gadsby
1 April 2014
Melbourne Town Hall, Supper Room
to 20 April 2014

Last year Hannah Gadsby made me cry. Damn you tears of recognition.

This year I only laughed. A lot.

The Exhibitionist starts with Hannah having to choose the photo for this year's show. She had a bad start to the year, so a dud pic that she had to see everywhere wasn't an option. 

What follows is a photo album of embarrassment, a look at what rich folk did before cameras and mirrors (mirrors are a relatively new invention; imagine how happy the world would be if we didn't look in the mirror every day), how artists selfied before smart phones, and a lesson in learning to love those cameras. 

This show isn't as personal as last year's, but it's impossible not to adore Hannah; she's honest and loving and jaw-aching funny.

And, for the love of all things, when you are taking photos of your friends, take them from above. ALWAYS from above.

I also wrote about this on AussieTheatre.com