09 March 2020

MICF: Jacci Pillar, Tardy: Ready and Disabled

Jacci Pillar
Tardy: Ready and Disabled
26–29 March
Laneway Learning

Jacci Pillar. Photo by Raphael Kaleb

Jacci is another artists who I haven't seen ... yet. She also has a very short season at the beginning of the festival. Her show is described as "a look at identity politics (as a queer, autistic, veteran) through the lens of someone who never got it, didn’t get it and just felt like they would do their own thing regardless." See diverse voices. Listen to diverse stories. See new voices and remember that new doesn't have to mean young.
If you could see anyone (possible or impossible) in your audience, who would it be?
Hannah Gadsby.

What is one of your favourite comedy festival memories?
Getting to be a part of a Mad Pride line up with Felicity Ward as the headliner in 2019 when she sang "Bohemian Rhapsody" entirely in chicken clucks.

Who is one of your favourite Melbourne Indie Celebratory Feminists?
Lucy Best.

What three shows are you not going miss this comedy festival?
Lucy Best & Nicky Barry Motherfu(t
Judith Lucy VS Men
KC Martin-Stone I See Dead People

What else could MICF stand for?
Mostly Is Comedy Female?


1 double pass to

Jacci Pillar Tardy: Ready and Disabled
28 March
Laneway Learning

EMAIL with TARDY COMPETITION in the subject
Closes on 24 March 2020