Terrible Comfort
Promising zombie pirates, steampunk robots, monsters of the deep and an epic skeleton army sword battle, X is already far more interesting than many Fringe shows. And there are fluffy critters and its about a pirate battling with rum.
Presented by experimental puppet company Terrible Comfort, the artistic collaboration of MTC playwright Robert Reid and visual artist Sayraphim Lothian, and Barking Spider Theatre X features more SM favourites like Penelope Bartlau and Hayley Butcher, so it's gotta be cool.
Peepshow Inc at Signal
Peepshow Inc have created some of the most gorgeous puppet theatre I've seen.
U is an opportunity for 13 to 18-year olds to create and work with Peepshow in a series of workshops and interactive performances at the City of Melbourne's Signal space.
Workshop and performance info is here. If you don't book, you'll miss out.